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The Bar Sinister: Pride and Prejudice Continues... - Linda Berdoll
The Bar Sinister: Pride and Prejudice Continues...
by: (author)
4.67 15
This book is a furthering of the story of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice through the Napoleonic Wars. It is written in Jane Austen style, historically accurate, but sexy and somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
This book is a furthering of the story of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice through the Napoleonic Wars. It is written in Jane Austen style, historically accurate, but sexy and somewhat tongue-in-cheek.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780967481708 (0967481708)
Publisher: Well, There It is Publishers
Pages no: 467
Edition language: English
Series: Darcy & Elizabeth (#1)
Community Reviews
Library Liz·ard
Library Liz·ard rated it
5.0 Review - Mr Darcy Takes A Wife
Fan fiction though it may be, Mr Darcy Takes a Wife was great fun to read and supremely entertaining with moments of real romance and poignancy (not to mention loads and loads of Darcy/Lizzie smut, yes, smut!). Some parts brought tears to my eyes but the true love and devotion between Darcy and Eliz...
I am Sam Tule
I am Sam Tule rated it
My full review can be found here:http://samanthatule.wordpress.com/2013/03/23/book-review-mr-darcy-takes-a-wife-by-linda-berdoll/
Lost in a Book
Lost in a Book rated it
Honestly, I should have known better! Hilarious in some places; utterly pathetic otherwise.
xreactivity rated it
1.0 Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife
Honestly, I should have known better! Hilarious in some places; utterly pathetic otherwise.
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook
Sandra @ My Fiction Nook rated it
4.0 Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife: Pride and Prejudice Continues (Pride & Prejudice Continues)
I actually quite enjoyed it. Yes, the writing was stilted and a bit over the top, and it surely is no Jane Austen writing this but I thought the plot wasn't bad. I quite liked it.
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