by Alianne Donnelly
Beauty and the Beast turned on its head - I really liked this, wished it were longer, and will snap up the second one as soon as it comes out. :)A complete fluke that I even saw this. I was wasting time on my iPhone, trolling for free books and found it. Very glad I did.
An interesting examination of what exactly makes a "monster." I liked the sort of reverse-werewolf thing that the beast's curse entailed here: that he turned human for the 3 nights of the full moon. The part of the book that focused on that was fascinating and well done.The last bit of the book se...
My review contains spoilers and they're mostly my thoughts as I went with the book...Another free novella, another winner. I totally loved it! The Beast was my 1st Alianne Donnelly book and I can only say WOW! In a free short story like this (of about 52 pages with 18 short chapters), the author gav...