by Nora Roberts
Zoe works part time as a florist and part time as a barmaid to keep herself afloat. With a child she is overworked and to help with the bills she rents out space in her house to J Cooper McKinnon who is a sports writer for a newspaper. Pretty predictable romance after that.
The Best MistakeHe's there, early, to see the apartment for rent. He works at the newspaper.Zoey Fleming has the apartment and is just finishing the painting.She has an 4 year old son. Hoop is talked into taking her son to the ballgame and he got a ball signed, and a shirt, etc.She works at the flow...
Former model works as a cocktail waitress & part-time florist to support her 4yo son & herself. She rents out the upstairs apartment to sport-journalist Hero who makes his interest in her obvious. She emphasizes that she & her son come as a package. It's up to Hero to decide if he's willing to take ...