by Nicholas Christopher
Full of interesting stuff - I never knew the first thing about bestiaries until I opened this book. Not quite as...magical as I imagined it would be, but a good read nonetheless.
10 stars, a hundred. I was so disappointed when I turned the page and saw that it was over. Darth Vadar style, all NooooOOoooOOOoo......The back jacket says this is a book about a quest to find the Caravan Bestiary, a legendary, lost illuminated manuscript detailing all the mythical creatures who we...
Rating: 4.875* of fiveSometimes a book just comes at you from nowhere. Unannounced, something about a particular work will summon something unexpected from its reader, something that feels important and shifts an atom or a molecule from left to right, from up to down.“The Bestiary” did something lik...