by Alicia Michaels
Having just finished reading book 1 of the "Bionics" series 'The Bionics' I am HOOKED!! It had been a while since I'd last read a dystopian/sci-fi book, but once I started I was literally sitting on the edge of my seat till the end. I was engrossed from the first sentence! Set in the years after the...
The Bionics by Alicea Michaels, is the first part of a face paced read. This romantic science-fiction story is a thought-provoking take on the victims of war and the government's accountability towards them. In this story, bionic replacements of damaged body parts are given to the victims. Once the ...
A fresh new (and zombie-less) look at our futureWhile i would consider this more of a novella rather than a novel, the story of Blythe and her friends is told mostly from Blythe's point of view. Bythe is a Bionic, a human woman injured in a nuclear blast, with her eye and arm replaced by electronics...
Well I totally, absolutely loved this book. I never read a book about a half robot person before and it sursprised me to realize that i was still able to relate with her. I'm not as sentimental over the family thing as she is but i still think we have a ton of things in common. These sorts of books ...