by Angela Horn
I seem to be on a bit of a Zombie-a-thon lately, and this was a good thing for Angela Horn and her book, The Bite, because I was really in the mood for a good zombie book. I will come clean though, when I read the title, the full title, I was thinking that it was actually about something kinky. I ...
I picked up this book because I am in a group on Goodreads with the author, I heard she was an author, decided to check out her stuff, and was interested in the book. First off, let me clarify something. I am a die hard zombie fan. Period. I. Love. Zombies. So, this book was right up my alley =)...
I don't write a lot of reviews. I'm not eloquent. My son got all the writing ability in the family! In the year and a half since I got my kindle for Christmas (thanks Mike!) I have read a lot of self published and vanity published books. The thing that most of them have in common is the poor quality...