by Heidi Betts
This one has been in my TBR FOREVER,...There are three separate stories that are all connected, the last two more so then the first one but they were all pretty good.Of the three I think I liked the first one best and wish there had been a bit more to it....the second one...Sean was an asshat...and ...
Well I'm back at 3.5 (we need 1/2 stars Goodreads)!!I really enjoyed these short tales. The Bite Before Christmas contains 3 novellas and while all have their own, separate story line they also all tie nicely and closely together. It was pretty much like a timeline, but followed different "main" cha...
Another freebie from Amazon and it coincides with my Christmas story phase.I really enjoyed this book. While all three stories were separate from each other, there was a common thread with the vampire matchmaker, Angelina Bertolli, and the last story was Angelina's.All three stories were interesting...
A cute romance of three different para-couples. It was almost like three short novels, tied together at the end. I found it somewhat predictable and even corny at times but was a fun engaging light read. Sex is graphically described but not over done.
Overall a good read esp when it was free. Free is always good....
"All I Van for Christmas"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!