by Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
I still want to get to the meat of the mystery - the creature that lives in Maika and that occasionally is brought out, with disastrously fatal results. This ties to her mother, and others who are on the opposite side of the war from Maika, but again this moves slowly and is hampered - at least f...
I liked this one far more than the first and I am not even sure why. The art is just as gorgeous and the prose as high quality, but somehow this felt stronger than the first volume.
Source: LibraryI love this series! Maika continues her search by traveling to the Isle of Bone. Beautiful illistrations, and complex story-telling and mythology.
This series continues to impress with both its art and its storytelling. I was worried the quality established in the early issues couldn't be sustained, but if anything this collection is even better. In this volume the story and world expand, but none of the intimacy is lost. As some questions are...
I have no idea what's going on here, I adore the art-work and several of the characters are very interesting but I want to care more and I can't find it in me, I care about a lot of the peripheral characters but the main characters aren't as compelling. I'm following more of the art than the story ...
Maika has a monster living inside her and she and her two travelling companions / allies travel to the Isle of Bones, seeking answers. There are various leaders and factions vying for power and, to be honest, it is not always clear what is going on. Lots of different characters appear in all sorts o...