by Linda Lafferty
Lafferty makes fast and loose with history in her fictional account of the life of Markéta Pichlerová. She paints her as an intelligent, ambitious, rebellious, arrogant, naïve teenager, a combination of attributes which prompts decisions that root her firmly in too-stupid-to-live territory. The hist...
Great bookI enjoyed this book very much and would definitely recommend it to anyone. I was half expecting it to be a little dry considering all the historical references but was pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the case at all. I was also very interested to find out it was loosely based on actu...
I enjoyed this book quite a lot. Going in, I had no idea it was based on real people (I'm woefully lacking in my historical knowledge) but that added a layer of fascination for me, once I finished it. I "checked it out" from the Kindle lending library, and actually ended up buying it when I was abou...
I tried this and gave up. The writing did not appeal to me. Furthermore there is debate on how accurate the historical details are.
Lending Library.