by Stephen King
I liked this novella, it reminded me of my own childhood, without internet and with not so tight supervision of the children. Now it is shocking, but then it was commonplace, something for kids to casually talk about without doing much about it - because kids rarely had any say in these matters - do...
For all of those who keep insisting that Stephen King is a literary equivalent of Big Mac and fries, writing in the comfortable confines of the frequently-despised 'genre' - please take a look atThe Body: The Fall from Innocence, which is much more familiar to public in the quite faithful adaptation...
This was a good one. One of his early strays from anything resembling a horror story, but perfectly so. I found I still pictured (no matter how hard I tried not to) all the characters as they were in the film. River Phoenix, Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman, and Jerry O'Connel. I did this even knowing...