by Lynn Flewelling
Moved a little slowly for me, but overall I enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing what happens. The ending...oh god. WHY. WHYYYY.
This started off really slow for me, and I had a hard time sticking with it at first. But I think a lot of that was how often I was reading a child's perspective, and that just didn't interest me. It's not that I didn't like Tobin - I actually did, quite a bit! But I tend to hve a hard time reading ...
The Bone Doll's Twin is an unusual story which is mostly told via a dead person. It's a gripping story that had me urging the investigators to find the killer.
Okay, so I love fantasy when it is well done. There's something so immensely satisfying about reading a well constructed world. All that "world-is-going-to-end-and-then-a-hero-comes-along" (see what I did thurr?) stuff is totally my thing, ya know? So when the lovely Dominique (I was stalking your b...
This plot hinges on a rather interesting idea. What if a boy was really a girl, but didn't know it? I don't mean didn't know it in the sense of the The Ill-Made Mute, but truly didn't know it, and most people didn't know it.Flewelling starts to answer such questions in this book. She also looks a...
Lynn Flewelling's second trilogy, set about 500 years before 'Nightrunner', is darker, touching on some rather 'horror' themes (blood magic, demons, sacrificing innocence for the greater good). It's an entirely thrilling work, especially in its innovative use of genderbending.
I read Flewelling's Nightrunner trilogy (on its way to a quintet now, I see) ten years ago, and found it a somewhat awkward mixture of intriguing plots with shaky world building. There's some of that here, but I definitely find it an improvement on her earlier work. The sections with Tobin in partic...
This book was a great start, promising a dark trilogy. Unfortunately, with each book, her writing worsens and the series ends as a cheesy teenager story without substance, or any emotion.Very Disappointing after a good start. So keep your hands off it, unless you want to stop after the first book......
The books I tend to keep are the ones that are different from the usual fantasy fare...this fits well. It is a great combination of horror and fantasy that grabs you from the start and keeps you. Set in the world created in her previous books but set generations earlier. It tells the story of a boy....