In The Bridge, master storyteller and weaver of worlds, Iain Banks creates a mysterious structure that leads from nowhere to nowhere. Everyone lives on the Bridge, including a man named Orr, devoid of personality or memory, and haunted by dreams of war. Banks' engaging blend of the cutting-edge...
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In The Bridge, master storyteller and weaver of worlds, Iain Banks creates a mysterious structure that leads from nowhere to nowhere. Everyone lives on the Bridge, including a man named Orr, devoid of personality or memory, and haunted by dreams of war. Banks' engaging blend of the cutting-edge hypothetical and blistering reality collide in The Bridge . The Bridge is like none other: A multi-layered society of incredible cities, terrible war zones, humor, horror and lust. Now that John Orr -- victim of a terrible car accident -- has reached it, the question remains of what lies on the other side. "Banks is a phenomenon. Wildly successful, fearlessly creative...[with) gnarly energy and elegance!" -- William Gibson, author of Neuromancer"Banks never does the same thing twice. But he always does it sublimely." -- Los Angeles Times
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