by Dave Barry, Pearson Ridley
This book is a far cry from the others in the series. Don't get me wrong it's still very good but it just doesn't have that zip or snap the other contain. It introduces three new characters Aidan and Sarah Cooper (who find the first clue to the Starcatchers) and J.D. Aster (a descendant of Molly As...
Hehehehehehehehehe Disney jokes.Also, fiction love. Rip-roarin'-itude, Startrekky physics, a hint of romance, and friggin' Peter Pan! What's not to like?
I have only read the first book in this series, but that didn't detract from my reading experience in the least! Although I think I had a little less anxiety about the main bad guy than I would have had if I'd read the other 3 books as well. But not to worry: if you haven't read them, you can still ...