The Broken Sword
Poul Anderson (author)
9780722111321 (0722111320)
Edition language: English
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Epic Fantasy,
Speculative Fiction,
Heroic Fantasy,
Sword And Sorcery
The Broken Sword is a modern Norse myth that both dazzles and disappoints with its tale of unwitting mortals caught in the web of gods. When just a newborn, our hero Skafloc is snatched from his mother’s breast due to the machinations of a disgruntled witch, who hates the babe’s father. This crone...
I received a copy of this from NetGalley for an honest review. I'll keep this brief... I enjoy Anderson's work but this one that I had never read (originally published in 1954) and not one that I particularly enjoyed. Well written and all, but I was bored while reading and I hate that :(
Very cool book. I'm glad I read this one, as it gives me an entirely new appreciation for the skills and vision of Poul Anderson. The only book of his I'd read previously was Three Hearts And Three Lions, and while that was a good book and surely deserves its place amongst the classics of the fantas...
This is a tale of faerie--of elves and changelings in the age of Vikings and dealing with creatures of Norse myth in the rhythms of the sagas. In this Foreward, Anderson writes of how elves had become a thing diminished in grandeur and stature: In our day, J. R. R. Tolkien has restored the elves to...
I also reviewed this book on "Goodreads". There they have a simple 5 star rating system thus the "rating choices" are more limited. Here I can go 3.5 stars for The Broken Sword. This book is better than a simple 3 star might indicate. The problem is that I don't like it as much as many 4 star books....