The Broken Window
9780739497272 (0739497278)
Edition language: English
Well after a kick butt book #7, I had high hopes for book #8, instead this one floundered a lot IMHO. We also have Sachs in my opinion being a total nitwit for how she handles an inappropriate relationship with someone she is close to. And I have to say that this book was highly repetitive from begi...
Rewelacyjnie napisana książka. Przerażająca wizja tego jaki wpływ na jednostkę i całe społeczeństwo mają komputery ze swoimi bazami danych. Czytałem z zapartym tchem i jednocześnie niedowierzaniem: wszyscy wiedza że ten człowiek jest uczciwym obywatelem, ale komputer „mówi” coś diametralnie odmienne...
It was interesting reading this book while simultaneously reading articles (on-line) about the current status of Internet privacy. (I startedy this book just after the Google Buzz fiasco).I know it was written a few years ago but I was a little surprised at how surprised the characters were about h...