by Paullina Simons
A powerful, impossible love story between an innocent Russian girl and a young Soviet soldier during the Siege of Leningrad in World War 2. It's a story I won't soon forget. After I finished the last page, I took two breaths and bought the second book.
Ugh, I can't even. Having an incoherent moment.I read historical fiction, but it's historical romance so the real grittiness of war never comes up. This just tears up everything you have and it was so hard and frustrating to read... I've become so attached to these characters. I loved it. The ending...
Buddy read with Miss, Tanja, Iva... 11.5.2013.
If love like this truly exists, how could anyone settle for anything less? I am blown away by the beauty of this love story. The writing had me captivated. I felt every emotion possible while engulfed in the roller coaster that is Tatiana & Alexander. I kept fawning over Shura's love and sacrifice f...
6 + StarsAmazing! One of my all time favourites books words can't describe how much i loved this book.Beautiful, raw, intense and heart-breaking it is one of the best love stories ever told.
I loved Alexander in this book and, honestly, I didn't expect that the book would encompass so much of the romance between the H and h. I also wasn't expecting that Alexander would be so alpha and possessive.The author did a good job fleshing out the characters, main and secondary. It wasn't a bori...
Unforgettable, outstandingly gorgeous ride of my life!I read the The Bronze Horseman (The Bronze Horseman Trilogy) over the course of three days. I lived a lifetime in those three days, is it possible to have too much story? I don't care, I have been overwhelmed, sucked in, absorbed, saddened and am...
4.5 stars
Couldn't get past the hero banging the heroine's sister. Over. And. Over. And. Over.
Not to be obvious, but this is a very Russian book. Well, it's written by a Russian author, so that makes sense. But you can see and feel and read the Russian-ness of the people and the war.Germany has invaded Russia, despite an anti-aggression treaty between them, and despite Russia splitting Polan...