The Brothers Lionheart by Lindgren, Astrid (2009) Paperback
Format: Paperback
Publish date: 1000
Publisher: OUP Oxford
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
European Literature,
20th Century,
Scandinavian Literature,
Swedish Literature
Story: Der zehnjährige Karl (genannt Krümel) ist krank und weiß, dass er bald sterben wird. Im Gegenzug zu ihm ist sein älterer Bruder Jonathan kerngesund, überall beliebt, mutig und klug. Gerade deswegen ist Jonathan stets an Krümels Seite, unterstützt ihn und nimmt ihm die Angst vor dem Tod, indem...
gråt inte, mamma. vi ses i Nangijala.گریه نکن مامان. در نانگیالا میبینمت (به امید دیدار در نانگیالا)
Sono passati dieci anni da quando ho letto questo libro la prima volta, eppure lo amo ancora con tutta me stessa. I fratelli Cuordileone è una delle storie che mi è rimasta nel cuore fin da bambina, che mi fatto crescere e che mi ha lasciato una sensazione indimenticabile. Jonatan ha tredici anni, e...
The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren is my first book for the Martel-Harper Challenge hosted by Dewey. It's a children's book with unusually serious and dark themes. I picked it up from the library in the Italian translation.Ten-year-old Karl and thirteen-year-old Jonathan are the two Lion brot...
I loaned this to a girlfriend and then she dumped me and then I called her house like every day all "GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK" until she finally left it outside my door so she wouldn't have to talk to me.I was a pretty big fan of this book.