by Saci Lloyd
I quite liked the previous book. This book however, not so. It was too dark, too extreme and I also didn't like Laura all the time. The on and off relationship with Adi wasn't working either, and her kissing Nate and flirting with Sam... no thank you.Some parts were really great, but a lot was just ...
Oh man i wish there was more, i really do.
I personally liked the first book better - this book seemed a little up and down, the pace sometimes normal (everyday going-ons), the next minute it was racing (wars, riots, breakups, get togethers). I liked it, but I'm a little torn over what I think about it overall, to be perfectly honest. I kind...
Laura Brown lives in the U.K. and unfortunately the U.K. is the first country to establish carbon rationing. Everyone will be expected to reduce their carbon consumption by 60%. Everyone has 200 Carbon Points per month to spend on travel, heat, food, and fun. The 200 Carbon Points are loaded on a ...
An interesting account of life in the UK after carbon rationing, and the effects of the damages we have done to the environment.
Laura Brown lives in the U.K. and unfortunately the U.K. is the first country to establish carbon rationing. Everyone will be expected to reduce their carbon consumption by 60%. Everyone has 200 Carbon Points per month to spend on travel, heat, food, and fun. The 200 Carbon Points are loaded on a ...