by Nathan M. Farrugia
Nathan M. Farrugia served in the Australian Army in infantry and reconnaissance, and studied film, television and professional writing. He worked as a post-production video editor, colorist and copywriter, where he earned the nickname Fagoogoo because no one could pronounce Farrugia.Nathan lives in ...
I received this as a free copy for review from the Author. The story sounded like something I would enjoy but the execution as it went along left something to be desired IMO. There were too many changes of direction in the characters and story which lessened my enjoyment in this quite a bit. I can o...
I received this as a free copy for review from the Author. The story sounded like something I would enjoy but the execution as it went along left something to be desired IMO. There were too many changes of direction in the characters and story which lessened my enjoyment in this quite a bit. I can o...
I really enjoyed this book,the story was unique and the characters are well developed. It was recommended to me as I had enjoyed a similar book by Daniel Suarez[b:Kill Decision|18071393|Kill Decision|Daniel Suarez||19106895]. The story has some ...
This is indeed a smashingly good debutant work. It is however not really my cup of tea. This book can best be described as a techno-thriller. There are loads and loads of action in it and the action is generally quite okay. There are also loads and loads of conspiracies, double-crossing and backstab...
I'd heard that this book was similar to Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly, and thought I'd give it a go.Having read the book, I'd have to disagree. Whereas Reilly throws up more and more improbable situations for his heroes to get out of, this book doesn't go too over the top.At the beginning, you're not ...
I'd heard that this book was similar to Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly, and thought I'd give it a go.Having read the book, I'd have to disagree. Whereas Reilly throws up more and more improbable situations for his heroes to get out of, this book doesn't go too over the top.At the beginning, you're not ...
The Chimera Vector... How to sum up this book... There are so many complex things involved with this book, definitely a guys read but both male and females can enjoy it. Its got weapons, super soldiers, fighting and lots of blood. Chimera Vector is a very action packed book so be ready for the very ...
I'm not going to rate this book.It may not be a bad book, but it's certainly not a book for me. TMI ... and TMDB. TMDB: Too many dead bodies. At the start of this book, there are three characters. By the time I gave up, we'd been introduced to at least a couple of new people per page, and all but on...