The Color of Her Panties (Xanth, #15)
Piers Anthony (author)
9780688109165 (0688109160)
Publisher: William Morrow & Company
Edition language: English
Series: Xanth 5 (#15)
Definitely the most interesting title of a book I have ever read, if not the weirdest, this one is overloaded with puns by Anthony and combines two separate plot lines that all tie in together at the end. Mela Merwoman is looking for a husband, while Gwenny Goblin is on a quest to become the goblin ...
seriously? "THE COLOR OF HER PANTIES"? like for real? this book exists and is not just some crazy joke? am i high right now or something? it's like Piers started reading all those comments about how pervy he can be and was like Fuck It, the secret's out, everyone knows i'm a perv, i'm just gonna go ...