The Colorado Kid
9781419375415 (1419375415)
Publish date: 2006
Publisher: S&S Audio
Edition language: English
Eine Leiche an der Küste von Maine wird zum Mysterium. Weder die Identität noch Herkunft des Toten kann zweifelsfrei festgestellt werden. Zwei Journalisten lässt dieser Umstand nicht los und sie gehen dieses Rätsel an."Colorado Kid" ist ein Kurzroman von Stephen King, der selbst mehrmals während der...
This book has insight into the kind of mystery, and news, stories that newspapers print. The tale told in the book, the one of the Colorado Kid, is not one of them. This book is more of a make-you-think-and-wonder than it is a straightforward crime novel. The cover, though a beautiful piece of artwo...
A lot of people hate this book for bullshit reasons. I don't usually comment on other people's opinions (I have in the past, but not often) because its their subjective feelings about the shit they read. Fine. Whatever. But to hate this book because it has a cover that only vaguely touches upon the ...
Jeśli miarą dobrej książki, jest to ile z siebie pozostawia w czytelniku, to "Kolorado Kid" jest arcydziełem! :D Przez kilka dobrych godzin nie mogłem zasnąć, rozmyślając nad tym "kto zabił". Jak się okazuje S. King, sprawdza się także w zagadkach kryminalnych, nic tylko pogratulować! Dobra robota, ...
This Book was not one of his remarkable works.I was quite disappointed of a book, of which I thought had all the right requirements for one of the better pulp/mystery fictions.And while it wasn't that bad, I felt let down by King.