by Sarah Orne Jewett, Jewett Jewett
This was really surprisingly lovely, and the second to last chapter made me cry on the Tube! It's a series of vignettes, which have a bit of a narrative but not really, about Jewett's summer living in a fishing village in coastal Maine with a herbalist/apothecary landlady. The point is basically tha...
Sarah Orne Jewett is a beautiful writer. Not a whole lot of action happens in this gem. You just follow the life of a woman who decided to summer in a small fishing village in Southeastern Maine. As time goes along, the woman meets the local characters and involves herself in local life. Not excitin...
Still reading this, enjoying it very much. I actually can't wait to pass it on to a couple of other people. It kind of reminds me of Dante's inferno, but instead of Virgil, there is Mrs. Todd. And instead of flames there are tall cool spruce beers. Quite lovely.
this is a wonderful little book set amongst sea folk. it made me think of poor mrs. unguentine, and i wondered if these were the friends she left behind because if they were, i now understand her dismay a little better. the narrator introduces us to her landlady, mrs. todd, her mother mrs. blackett ...