by G. Elizabeth Kretchmer
It's rare to find a story line that is narrated from the afterlife and follows the reflections and circumstances of a minister's wife who has expired from terminal cancer, but who follows through (beyond death) with a plan to reunite a biological mother and her granddaughter. Such an endeavor involv...
The Damnable Legacy by G. Elizabeth KretchmerLynn Van Swol still regrets the decision she made thirty years ago to place her daughter for adoption so she could climb the highest mountains of the world. Frankie Rizzoni is the troubled biological granddaughter Lynn has never known. And Beth Mahoney is...
I was offered a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. Although I don’t have a bucket list as such, on my list of things to do and places to visit, Alaska is pretty high up. As much as I love a good adventure and great plots, I’m always game for books that dig deep into characters...