by Dick Francis
Dick Francis is good at writing a cracker of a thriller and this is no exception. As usual there's horses involved but this time it's almost as a peripheral idea. The story revolves around a man, Andrew Douglas, who helps rescue kidnap victims and a couple of the people he helps rescue. It not on...
Here is not much difference between a kidnapper and Mr. Andrew Douglas, they are almost synonymous except for the part that they are each others adversary. One does it and the other prevents it.Most of us get hysterical by mere mentioned by the word kidnap forget about actually tackling it but you s...
Maybe my favorite thing about Dick Francis' books is that he makes it seem that no situation is so horrible that the protagonist can't fix it. I just love his uber-competent heroes. His heroes aren't superheroes with special powers, just regular guys who happen to be smart, logical, and full of comm...
25 Aug 19901 Jan 199810 Mar 1998