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The Darkness Beyond: A Paladin Novel (Paladin Novels) - Community Reviews back

by Alexis Morgan
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Amara Lebel
Amara Lebel rated it 7 years ago
Finally, we see D.J. get his girl. I’ve been looking forward to this book since I started reading the series. From the beginning, I’ve had a soft spot for hyperactive geek of a hottie, and I felt for him as he watched everyone settle down and his life changed against his wishes. Enter Reggie, hacker...
She Reads Too Much
She Reads Too Much rated it 10 years ago
Not much different to say than what I've already said in previous reviews today. This series has a formula that works and I'm okay with that.I have to say though I really do like this world Alexis Morgan has built.
Bibliofiend's Bookbag
Bibliofiend's Bookbag rated it 13 years ago
3.5 stars.
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