by Fredrik Backman
Title: The Deal of a LifetimeAuthor: Fredrik BackmanGenre: Fantasy / Short StoryYear Published: 2017Number of Pages: 65 pagesDate Read: 12/9/2017Publisher: Atria Books Source: PurchasedContent Rating: Ages 15+ (Themes of Death and Parental Abandonment) “The only thing of value on Earth is ...
A man is in the hospital with cancer. He meets a 5-year-old who also has cancer. He notices an emissary of the Grim Reaper hanging around. He reflects on his past. He also confronts the emissary who denies she has come for him. He realizes who she is after and offers to take the child's place b...
I don’t think Fredrik Backman and his translators can do wrong. I’ve read all but one of his published works and at least liked all of them . . . and most of them I loved. Published just in time for Christmas, The Deal of a Lifetime is a short story (though it is being marketed as a novella, with an...