by Dan Wells
So it took longer than expected but I have finally finished The Devil's Only Friend. I can't tell if I'm shaking because I'm so excited or because my apartment is cold. Maybe a bit of both. Let's discuss, shall we? I LOVE this book. Love it. I honestly don't know which book of the series is my fav...
WARNING: Spoilers For First 3 Books ❖ "I'm good now. I promise. ...sometimes at night I go to the butcher shop and I buy the biggest roast they have and I bring it home and I cover the room in plastic and I hack the meat to pieces with a ki...
The Devil’s Only Friend, by Dan Wells, is the latest novel in Wells’s series about John Wayne Cleaver—a sociopath who is trying very hard not to become a serial killer. This is the fourth book in the series. Over the course of the previous three books, Cleaver has learned about the existence of the ...