by S.J. Gazan, Charlotte Barslund
Scandicrime usually leaves me cold, but THE DINOSAUR FEATHER tickled my fancy: Angry, angsty characters! A rotten-souled victim! Quercus Books gets almost four stars for this satisfying thriller.
bookshelves: danish-root, one-penny-wonder, mystery-thriller, winter-20122013, tbr-busting-2013, paper-read, under-500-ratings, next Read from August 04, 2012 to February 24, 2013 From the description: Biology graduate Anna Bella Nor is just two weeks away from defending her thesis on the origin...
Translated from the Danish by Charlotte Barslund.Opening: Solnhofen, Southern Germany, 5 April 1877Anna Bella Nor was dreaming she had unearthed Archaeopteryx, the earliest and most primitive bird known. The excavation was in its sixth week, a fine layer of soil had long since embedded itself into ...