by Andrew Sachs, Alexander McCall Smith
I enjoyed the first book in this series, and I enjoyed this one even more! What a fun bunch of interwoven lighthearted stories, with characters I've come to know and care about... Can't wait to see what happens in book 3!
This fell way short of my expectations, after The Careful Use of Compliments. The wry British humour is still there: especially the way in which he treats hallowed British institutions such as the MI6, the publishing industry etc. There are also passages which are outright funny, and will have you...
The Dog Who Came in From the Cold is not so much a novel than a collection of intersecting stories, each involving the inhabitants of Corduroy Mansions, a London apartment house. The titular dog is Freddie de La Hay, a Pimlico terrier both in breed and residency. After a visit to his master from an ...