The Dragon and the Raven
The Dragon and the Raven, or The Days of King Alfred is a historical fiction novel by G. A. Henty. The story is set in the late 9th century during the rule of Alfred The Great. The story follows the adventures of the fictional character Ealdorman Edmund as he and King Alfred fight against...
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The Dragon and the Raven, or The Days of King Alfred is a historical fiction novel by G. A. Henty. The story is set in the late 9th century during the rule of Alfred The Great. The story follows the adventures of the fictional character Ealdorman Edmund as he and King Alfred fight against Danish Viking invaders.
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Format: Paperback
9781482783209 (1482783207)
ASIN: 1482783207
Publish date: 2013-03-15
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages no: 146
Edition language: English