by Sean Platt, Johnny B. Truant
[I received a copy of this novel from NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.]2.5 starsA very interesting theme, but ultimately this novel felt more like an introduction.I liked the idea of a world shaping its inventions through thoughts, from concepts and a strange machine called the Blunderbu...
Thank you to Patchwork Press for providing me with an egalley of the book to review. With some reluctance I add “The Dream Engine” to the list of books/galleys that I couldn’t finish. I decided to put it down at around 43% for a significant reason, which I thought was the biggest issue in the whol...
ABR's full The Dream Engine audiobook review and many others can be found at Audiobook Reviewer.First thoughts about the cover of The Dream Engine: Blunderbuss, Book 1? Half of a young girl’s face and a giant engine? Is it a steam punk book? Why is it only showing half her face? How is this machine ...