by Joe R. Lansdale
I especially like Lansdale's wackier stuff like Zeppelins West and Flaming London. The Drive-In is almost as wacky as those books. However, it's not an absurd pastiche. Instead, it's an homage to B-movie horror flicks (obviously). I found this to be a highly entertaining read, once I got past the dr...
All hail the Popcorn King!!This is some great B-rated reading. As Lansdale said himself. What the Drive-in movies use to be. But something was missing and it wasn't the black & white comic.Maybe the actual story by itself would have been more interesting.
This one was a trip. A B-Movie romp with B-Movies Gods! Good solid fun and good times…trapped in the drive-in with the Popcorn King! 3.5*
Cheap fun, like a B-horror movie. Lots of gore and cussing with an insensible plot with some funny observations thrown in by the narrator in a detached way. In one word - Bizarro. Good for killing-off an hour or so if you are in the mood to read something with an over-the-top plot like this.
Just discovered I still have this inscribed novel in my collection. Totally frigging bizarre. Bizarro before Bizarro fiction existed. A different side of Lansdale. I'm giving it four stars based on my original read in 1988 but I think it is ready for a re-read.So I read it again and am upping my rat...