The Drowned Cities
ASIN: B007I7G1I8
Publish date: March 1st 2012
Publisher: Audible, Inc.
Edition language: English
Young Adult,
Science Fiction Fantasy,
Science Fiction,
Speculative Fiction,
Audience: Young Adult Format: Hardcover/Library Copy Chains clanked in the darkness of the holding cells. - first sentence This book comes from the same universe as Shipbreaker. In this book, Mahlia and Mouse managed to find each other and escape the Drowned Cities and live with a doctor in a ...
Niezła książka. Może schemat już zgrany: świat po katastrofie, dzieci wojny, stary zobojętniały weteran zmieniający się obrońce słabych i uciśnionych oraz obowiązkowa przemiana głównej bohaterki z kaleki w silną młodą kobietę, ale napisane całkiem sprawnie i z przyjemnością połknąłem. Czytam zewsz...
I didn't hate it but didn't love it either. An interesting concept. Very well written with some unique characters and themes.
A great return to the world of The Shipbreakers
A worthwhile followup to Bacigalupi's Ship Breaker, though perhaps not quite as richly built. Bacigalupi has proven himself one of the brighter lights in science fiction, and the writing in this admittedly dark book only reinforces the thinking. Set in a post-oil, post climate-changed America that's...