by Christina Schwarz
From a privileged childhood home to a home in a lighthouse. Quite a change from what Trudy was used to, but she loved her husband even though her parents didn't approve of her choice of her spouse. Trudy didn't see her husband as being the person he really was until later in their marriage, but she ...
Read my full review: opinion: I must admit that I expected more from this book. Given the premise of the storyline, I really expected a dark, atmospheric, twisted story but it ended up being a bit too light, dry and fluffy for me. Although I enjoyed the overall story line, I j...
Trudy has been raised to marry her childhood sweetheart and make her home in Milwaukee but she yearns for a more adventurous life and she falls in love with Oskar. He plans to travel far away from the Midwest and she believes she has found an escape to her preordained life.But she never imagined a l...
Wonderful sense of place and beautifully written. The novel moved a little slow at times but is worth the read.
There's something romantic about the image of a lighthouse high on a cliff, casting its beam to guide sailors and protect ships from rough shorelines. However, the reality of keeping that light on was probably far more a matter of hard physical labor than romance, particularly before that lighthouse...