by Aldous Mercer
“The Empire has survived wars, supernovae, democracy, and the collapse of a neighborhood universe. Let us hope it survives the good intentions of Agent Royce Ree.” -personal communication to the Emperor Author unknown
I'm sitting here still feeling absolutely stunned from what happened, so this will be short and simple and incoherent. I'll probably rewrite everything when I'm more awake. I can't even discuss anything because trust me, you do not want to be spoilered for this book. It's almost 5am now, that's how ...
3,5 starsI have read it as Omnibus Edition collects Parts #1 - #5 in one volume.My review to [bc:Royce Ree Omnibus (The Emperor's New Clothes), Volume 1|19265310|Royce Ree Omnibus (The Emperor's New Clothes), Volume 1|Aldous Mercer|