by Derek Landy
I started reading these series in March 2014, now is August 2014 and I finished book 8. *Starts sobbing* Derek, why? Why would you do this to me? *locks the emotions away in a jar* Okay, so...this is my all time favorite series!! And I'm not kidding. The structure of the story alone is amazing but t...
A novella in the Skulduggery Pleasant series. I really enjoyed this one, probably because it had a more fun and just in general less dark atmosphere than the last couple SP books. Ryan really threw me for a loop; I never saw that coming and I gotta say, that one scene near the end, was pretty darn s...
The world is ending! And all because a bunch of crazy lunatics have decided the world would be better off blown into a million little pieces. The problem? These lunatics need a key to activate the bomb that'll blow the world up. Actually, that isn't the problem. The real problem is that key is actua...
*May contain mild spoilers*It was awesome returning to this world, which of course makes the wait for the next release in late august *flails arms* more bearable.It was so much fun, especially Valkyrie's sensitivity towards vampires now (We don't talk about vampires!) oh it was so, oh so very amusin...
This short novelette is a fun way to get to know the characters later in the series. Even though it was probably just an attempt by the publisher trying to get the book on extent, but it gives good insight into Derek Landy's thought process and it's a fun, short read.
Quick read but it was a reminder of why I love this series. So fun and witty and always makes me laugh out loud!!
I read this in 30-45 mins :) This is a short but brill book which made me laugh in parts.This is a 6.5 book which just makes me want the 7th book to hurry up and come OUT!!!!! I am so happy Derek Landy wrote this :)