by Jack McDevitt
A great beginning to what looks to be a really fun series. Looking forward to continuing reading . Really like the way Jack McDevitt tells a story...
Interesting enough, but too many info dumps, I think they were newspaper headlines, the made me zone out and miss some narration
This is one of those books I had a lot of mixed feelings about. I enjoyed reading it; the mystery in particular was intriguing, and I love the concept of space archaeology. But my brain kept nagging me about the problems, too. Both archaeology/history and planetology are...wobbly, at best. The chara...
This was a perfectly serviceable space adventure with space travel, archaeology and monsters. The characters were a little thin, but the best part was that many of them were women, including the main character. It's nice to get an adventure story without it being uncomfortable because girls are ba...
Rating: 2.5 starsIs there a requirement that a "hard" SF author can't write believable characters or dialog to save their life? Or, rather, considering the general level of education and IQ among that crowd, is it a conspiracy so that they can chortle over the nearly inevitable comment in any review...