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The Estate of the Beckoning Lady - Margery Allingham
The Estate of the Beckoning Lady
by: (author)
Format: Taschenbuch
ASIN: B00IL35120
Publisher: Macfadden-Bartell Corp
Edition language: English
Series: Albert Campion 9 (#15)
Community Reviews
Andrea K Höst
Andrea K Höst rated it
This story melds old characters and new, with Campion and Amanda returning to her home village of Pontisbright, following the death of a character met in one of the first novels, and bringing along with this Charlie Luke, the powerhouse detective who has been central to more recent novels.Allingham'...
A Scottish-Canadian Blethering On About Books
A Scottish-Canadian Blethering On About Books rated it
3.0 The Beckoning Lady
[These notes were made in 1990. I read this book under the title "The Estate of the Beckoning Lady" (New York: Avon, 1955.] We are back in the country village where Albert Campion first met his wife Amanda, and both she and the precocious offspring have parts to play in this tale of a large party-cu...
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