by Alex Scarrow
‘Eternal War‘ by Alex Scarrow is the third in the TimeRider series. The basic storyline is three teenagers who have been saved from death are transported to a hub where time replays itself every 2/3 (i cant remember!) days, before and after 9/11.A bit like the tv show ‘Primeval’, each book takes pla...
I am not into all the gory stuff. That is why I do not read horror books, I do not watch horror movies and I hardly even watch thriller movies. Because I am not into that kind of stuff. I am scared of it. Watching it makes me want to crumble into a little ball, rocking back and forth and mumbling ab...
I admit it, I skipped book three and read book four. Why? Well because I couldn't get my hands on book three. Skipping books in series is never something I like doing but it does give you a great idea of how powerful a series is. The very fact that I could instantly understand what was going on show...
I liked the majority of this book, but the end felt a little unfinished. I am, however, eagerly awaiting the next one. Hopefully my reaction upon seeing it won't be like this one; I leapt for the book and almost knocked myself out of the library desk.