by Norman Mailer, Dave Eggers
This review was originally posted on amazon on August 23, 2004. It's been approximately 35 years (edited: it has now been 45 years) since this book was originally published. In the interim, the public has seen many men executed, some clearly worse than Gary Gilmore, including Ted Bundy and Timothy...
Unlike anything else I've ever read in just how naturally absorbed you are by the story and its many inhabitants. Glad I trusted Dave Eggars' entreaty that it would be "the fastest 1,000 pages you will ever know."
Unlike anything else I've ever read in just how naturally absorbed you are by the story and its many inhabitants. Glad I trusted Dave Eggars' entreaty that it would be "the fastest 1,000 pages you will ever know."
I get what Mailer's doing here. He's using the case of murderer Gary Gilmore to raise big questions about good and evil and free will, and it's a smart thing to do and he does a good job. But that doesn't change that it's a bummer of a book.And it should have been pruned. It is important for Mailer ...
Yawn. Yeah Norman, you're a tough little Harvard grad who spent all his writing energy on self-promotion.
Feeling far too happy? - read this, it'll plunge you head first into gloom akin to this goldfish.------------------------------------mp3 Unabridged and read by Jonathan ReeseBLURBIFICATION Winner of the 1980 Pulitzer PrizeIn what is arguably his greatest book, America's most heroically ambitious wri...
It has been years since I read Norman Mailer's {book:The Naked and The Dead}, an outstanding novel of World War II and a difficult act to follow. I've started some of his other books but never really got into them. He's had a couple published recently, {book:Harlot's Ghost} and {book:Oswald's Tale},...