by Laura Kipnis
Well researched, wonderfully poetic, and at times (the essays on Sex and Dirt) quite fierce and funny all at the same time. Even if you don't agree with everything Laura Kipnis has to say in this short, but gripping tome, I think it's an interesting social commentary that everyone in our post modern...
Well researched, wonderfully poetic, and at times (the essays on Sex and Dirt) quite fierce and funny all at the same time. Even if you don't agree with everything Laura Kipnis has to say in this short, but gripping tome, I think it's an interesting social commentary that everyone in our post modern...
Kipnis examines women and modern American society's relationships with dirt, sex, envy and vulnerability. It's a huge subject, and she does not do it justice. Kipnis focuses all too often on pithy cheap-shots and sarcastic responses to other feminist thinkers. I liked some of her analysis, but sh...