by Doris Lessing
Apparently I am always in the mood to read this in January. In any case, this is a repost of the review I wrote a while ago for both this and it's sequel, although it's only posted on the sequel (Ben, In the World). I read these books many times, most recently a couple of years ago, but I've never...
I reread this the day Doris Lessing died. It's very short, and every sentence packs a heady concentration of power. This is the novel that introduced me to Lessing. I was lucky enough to be working in a bookstore when it was released; I read a review and immediately used my employee's discount to bu...
brb ordering a diy tubal ligation kit and never ever having any children.
This came recommended to me as one of the best horror novellas out there, and it is pretty darn good. I'd say it's a couple dozen pages too short. 'The Fifth Child' is of the breed of horror that stems from psychology and realism, which has always been more effective to me than gore and visible fang...
The book was compared to Mary Shelley’s [b:Frankenstein|18490|Frankenstein|Mary Shelley||4836639], which really gets on my nerves. Why on earth do we have to do that? Publicity? I do that sometimes myself (i.e. comparing books), but on a ...