by Guy Gavriel Kay
This is a fantasy trilogy where Guy Gavriel Kay made a knowing and deliberate decision to emulate J.R.R. Tolkien. Perhaps this was to be expected after Kay spent a considerable time helping Christopher Tolkien (J.R.R.’s son) edit The Silmarillion, but he himself has explained (in numerous interviews...
This is one of my all-time favourite series. I read it as a teen and then again in my 20s. I'm overdue for a third go. Kay is a master storyteller.
Guy G. Kay is one of my favorite authors. However, I thought the Fionavar Tapestry verged on unoriginal and dull. How many fantasy books have I read where a group of intelligent, resourceful modern-day young people get sucked into a medieval-esque fantasy world? Well... it's a lot. And I didn't thin...