In this short story, discover how it all began...New Pacifica was designed to be a tropical paradise, a refuge for humanity filled with natural wonders and technological marvels. A place of perfect peace where "war" was only a world out of history... or so the privileged teen Persis Blake was...
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In this short story, discover how it all began...New Pacifica was designed to be a tropical paradise, a refuge for humanity filled with natural wonders and technological marvels. A place of perfect peace where "war" was only a world out of history... or so the privileged teen Persis Blake was always taught.But then comes the revolution and the death of a queen, and suddenly it's no longer enough for Persis to trust the words of her parents, the lessons of her teachers, and the decrees of the men in power. One terrible night, Persis witnesses the truth: there are those who will stop at nothing to destroy her world... but is there anyone who can save it?THE FIRST STAR TO FALL -- a prequel short story to ACROSS A STAR-SWEPT SEA.
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