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The First (The Returned) - Jason Mott
The First (The Returned)
by: (author)
3.36 90
Format: kindle
ASIN: 17860385
Publisher: Harlequin
Pages no: 28
Community Reviews
Following the Leader (Amber J.)
Following the Leader (Amber J.) rated it
I loved Edmund and Emily's love story.If this is a sign of things to come, then I know [b:The Returned|17182421|The Returned|Jason Mott|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1372089735s/17182421.jpg|21762912] will be very interesting.
Literary Ames
Literary Ames rated it
3.0 The First (The Returned, #0.5) by Jason Mott
*Cross-posted on Goodreads and Wordpress. Realistic portrayals of the bureaucratic response to an unexplainable event and the emotional turmoil experienced if you were to find out a dead loved one was in fact alive, drew me in as the scene was set for the rest of the series. However, upon finish...
Catchy Blog Title Forthcoming
Catchy Blog Title Forthcoming rated it
4.0 The First (The Returned)
One of three down. Premise is interesting enough for me to be Looking forward to reading the other two short stories. Whether or not I'll REALLY want to read the book afterwards is another story.
rameau's ramblings
rameau's ramblings rated it
2.0 The First (The Returned) by Jason Mott
This didn't suck me in like I expected it to. None of the characters actually get to feel or process the emotions a return of a lost loved one will imaginably bring up. I'm not blaming the third person limited voice--that bit I actually liked--rather than the writing itself. It's the telling rather ...
The Holy Terror
The Holy Terror rated it
Not bad for a free story and sets things up for the full novel. I see no reason not to check it out now if you're at all curious about this author's debut. Keep in mind though that this doesn't paint the complete picture of the entire first novel, it's more similar to the vignettes that are scattere...
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