by Gary Chapman
I won't go into the circumstances which lead to this bizarre buddy read that took place at Disneyland. Sometimes life can be stranger than fiction. I will say that this book has some reasonably helpful thoughts and ideas, but... it is way too simplified and way too heteronormative and way too tradit...
If you're a Christian, just read the Bible instead. This Gary Chapman guy spends the whole book doing a hack paraphrase job.
A fairly quick read, and ultimately about communication - which is always good.
Although I would not use it as a relationship bible I did find it very insightful. My husband is currently reading it as well and it has helped to open communication more about how we most feel loved; it gave us something to start with.
This book was very insightful. I have been doing a lot of self reflection on how I love others and what is important to them. This book gave great insight on how I may show my love in a way that is not as important to them. It also helped me to understand my triggers.
3+ starsThis book might seem over-simplistic, but really, isn't that we so often do - over complicate things in our emotional and romantic lives? This book is designed to help us step back and take another look at ourselves and our partners. Gary Chapman says that we each long to love and be loved -...
Great Book !! everyone should read it, gives you a clue as to why some relationships haven´t worked out and what you can do to start improving your relationships in general ! Family, friends, collegues, sentimental relationships, you´ll get a clue as to what to give & expect in return.
This isn't the type of book I usually read, but I found it very insightful into my life and the lives of people around me.
I found this book to be very interesting, and I feel I learned quite a bit after reading it. I would recommend this book to all married couples!