The Flaw in Logic
This romantic adventure follows Commander R'cey Hawke, bounty hunter. She leads a mission to a backwater world to retrieve one of the Amalgam's most wanted. When her space vessel crash lands, R'cey must work with a group of locals who believe in magic, of all things. R'cey soon finds herself on...
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This romantic adventure follows Commander R'cey Hawke, bounty hunter. She leads a mission to a backwater world to retrieve one of the Amalgam's most wanted. When her space vessel crash lands, R'cey must work with a group of locals who believe in magic, of all things. R'cey soon finds herself on an epic quest that takes her across unbelievable realms. Battles with harpies,
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Format: Paperback
9781943353415 (1943353417)
Pages no: 284
Edition language: English