by Eva Pohler
Check out my other listens at Eargasms Audiobook ReviewsI love this series!! It brings back all the time I spent in my own youth reading Greek and Roman Mythology. I love that we revisit all those tales I enjoyed. Every time a new one comes up I get a happy feeling!!This is the culmination of the tr...
Enjoyable read that kept true to the mythology while providing an entertaining story full of layered characters and thought out plots. Well worth the read. Received a free copy through Goodreads First Reads thanks to the generosity of the author, who also was kind enough to include free ecopys of th...
A wonderful love story. Thanaton, god of death, loves Therese. In the first two books, we saw this love grow and deepen. In book three, Therese is finally a goddess of Olympus, but things can change quickly for her. Both Therese and Thanatos are likable characters. Thanatos is a really nice guy, I...
I spent a good portion of the book very confused. The story starts with Therese being reborn as a God, which was my first clue that I might not have been reading book one. For some reason I had it in my head that this was the first book in the series, so there were times when I felt like I didn't ha...