by Richard Kadrey
Die „Sandman Slim“-Reihe von Richard Kadrey spielt in Los Angeles. Da Kadrey die Stadt gut kennt, obwohl er selbst in San Francisco lebt, kann er der Handlung seiner Romane konkrete Landmarken zuordnen. Ich habe ein kurzes Video entdeckt, in dem Kadrey einige wichtige Orte in L.A., die im sechsten B...
And there are plans to bring back ancient gods and Stark is in the middle, he has to try to save the world again, not that he will get any thanks for it.Felt a bit lacking in some ways but the end left Stark with another set of problems.
Brainycat's 5 "B"s:blood: 5boobs: 1bombs: 5bondage: 0 blasphemy: 5Bechdel Test: FAILDeggan's Rule: FAILGay Bechdel Test: FAIL Please note: I don't review to provide synopses, I review to share a purely visceral reaction to books and perhaps answer some of the questions I ask when I'm contemplating i...
3.5 stars rounded up to 4 I've been a big fan of this series since book one but this definitely fell short for me. Stark spends a lot of his time running from place to place, worrying about the destruction of earth. While that's a huge thing to worry about, I miss the books where Stark was tearing...