by Yangsze Choo
"The Ghost Bride" is the story of Li Lan, who is asked to be a ghost bride for a dead man she's never met. Set in British Malaya (more on that in a moment), the book is a little bit historical fiction and a whole lot of supernatural fantasy.As Li Lan tries to navigate her desire to marry Tian Bai, t...
I picked up this story and i didn't leave it until it's finish,i didn't even feel time passing while i am reading it.I didn't think i will enjoy this book,but it prove me wrong.
I really enjoyed this book. A lot of the Malay myths reminded me of Filipino myths (i.e. Pontianak similar to tianak). The blend of Chinese and Malaya culture made for a very fun world to explore. I have burned gifts for my friend's grand parents without understanding why, this book gave me an excit...